Carrier is a leading expert in refrigeration. In summer 2020 Carrier decided to outsource its storage to CHS. The collaboration has been successful.
“We carried out an inventory in November, and it was the best we ever had. It was conducted rapidly, and it verified that inventory maintenance runs smoothly,” says Arttu Lähteenmäki, Logistics Manager at Carrier.
Carrier supplies refrigeration equipment and their spare parts and performs refrigeration work for leading grocery chains in Finland.
Business-critical storage
Carrier’s storage was outsourced after a major change in the company’s storage operations: the company’s central warehouse was established in Central Europe and simultaneously Finland’s spare parts stock was reduced.
“Spare parts storage plays an important role in the logistics chain of a grocery store, as the store must quickly get a new spare part to replace the broken one. Otherwise, the frozen foods might be ruined, and the merchant will be left with nothing to sell," Lähteenmäki points out.
With less staff, Lähteenmäki turned to CSH to outsource Carrier’s storage. He wanted storage near Carrier’s headquarters and good collaboration.
“My expectations were that I would not have to interfere in any way with the operations of the warehouse, as everything we agreed upon would happen. It’s important to have the stock balance in order and that servicemen pick up the ordered goods on time," Lähteenmäki says.
Friendly service, meticulous inventory maintenance
CHS succeeded in answering Carrier’s expectations rapidly, and the partnership has strengthened. CHS provides warm storage space for Carrier’s spare parts by Ring Road III in Espoo and straightforward customer service with extranet systems. The price of the service feels right, as well.
For Lähteenmäki, the most important aspect of the cooperation is having everyday work running efficiently at the warehouse. He says that CHS’ foreman offers friendly service to servicemen, who enjoy visiting the warehouse. The foreman checks every pickup and logs it into the extranet system before the cargo leaves the warehouse. This way the stock balance is always up to date and more goods can be promptly ordered to the warehouse.
“The foreman always gets back to me extremely fast if I have a question and he proactively contacts me the moment he notices anything unclear,” Lähteenmäki says.
“CHS has done its job really well and exceeded my expectations. I hadn’t imagined that the service could be this good.”